*the epilogue*
abt half a year has passed since i wrote this mini-series. do click on my november archives to read the 1st 4 installations of "
L-O-V-E, more like the lack of understanding of it..."
earlier today, i had just celebrated my 1st-year-together with Grace. gosh... it was amazing. a year has passed just like. yet it felt like it's already been quite a while since we got together. many things had happened thoughout this 1 year: happy things, sad things, joys & frustrations... it wasn't easy. things happened along the way such that i had even needed to read my own mini-series to remind myself what a true godly r/ship shld be. & there are only 2 main points that i can't stress enough: commitment & perseverance. i shall not elaborate on these 2 points since i had already written quite a bit before (so do read those entries to get a better idea of what i m saying). but it's really these 2 aspects of my r/ship that kept me going...
well, even now, when i look at Grace, i sometimes still wonder, who m i, wat have i done right to deserve having a girlfriend? or shld i say: wat have i done right to deserve Grace? i suppose the answer is "nothing". & therefore it is by grace i received Grace. corny i know, but it is true, i suppose... & her name is there, i suppose, to constantly remind that it isn't by my works that i m 1st saved den deserving a girlfriend, but it's wholly by God's grace upon me...
Thank You, Lord!!! we'll be constantly looking for Your guidance in our r/ship...